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  • Writer's pictureHarish Bilgi

How to tide over the VUCA situation?

How to tide over the VUCA situation: My Quick take on Netflix’s “Money Heist” Season 5, Vol 1

VUCA is a new four-letter word that is a favorite amongst B-schools nowadays. VUCA is an acronym of a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous, this originated in US Army war college, way back in the ’90s (post-cold war). However now, i.e., post-pandemic this word has gained prominence as we are indeed experiencing such a VUCA world.

Money Heist’s S05 V1 can be used as a good case study to illustrate “How one can tide over such VUCA situation?”. The season starts where the S04 had ended (Lisbon being delivered to the epicenter of action – bank of Spain & the mastermind Professor getting caught by rouge inspector Alicia). This capture of mastermind professor who is remotely controlling the heist makes the plot “volatile” as there is a sudden change in environment, with the military being called in to help the police creates “uncertainty”, the team suddenly becomes rudderless without its head leading to increasing the “complexity” of plot, and the ever-changing complex situations are leading to “ambiguity”. Challenge now is how to tide over the situation?

Staying true to its DNA of fast paces sequences, high-octane action scenes, heart-thumping, and unpredictable twists makers have packed it all in a good amount in this season too. You will also get to see the bonus tracks of backstories of handsome Berlin and ravishing Tokyo (this is a good ploy to stretch the series). The editing job is ultra-sleek, with fine cuts the makers effectively make you travel back in the timeline. Overall it’s a binge-watch-worthy season keeping the intrigue intact with an announcement of Vol 2 of S05 will be released in Dec.

I am sure if you have watched earlier four seasons, then you can't wait to see this one. If you have not seen it to date then also you can watch S05 has it features lots of flashbacks which will give you a fair idea about the character.

The whole premise of the series is about a heist; hence it would be wrong on my part to glorify this bunch of daredevil gang, but if one park this nefarious intent of the plot aside and look at it as a management case study then it will give you a very important lesson on how to tide over VUCA situation. The answer to it would be to “remain mindful of the current” situation and look through the fog around you and counter Volatility with a compelling vision that will give a clear focus to the team, and they will react quickly to the change. Meet Uncertainty with an understanding of what your adversaries are doing (they cleverly bug the handcuffs of hostages and send them to the opposite camp; thus they can hear what the opposite camp is planning). React to complex situations with utmost clarity thus ensuring focused teamwork, collaboration, and camaraderie. The team always has a Plan B to its Plan B hence they stay adaptable in ever changing environment, hence even in the event of being rudderless (i.e. when Professor is caught) the team doesn’t give up.

I thoroughly enjoy such high-octane action-packed series, if you too love such plots then don’t miss it. Else one can enjoy the action-packed hitting of Rohit Sharma in oval test wherein he announced in style to the world that he can hit centuries outside India too.

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